Nutrition is, without a doubt, one of the factors that most affects our health, because during life, we have a constant need to introduce different nutritious foods into our body. However, its quality can vary depending on the foods we introduce into our body.
That is why it is important to have good habits in order to maintain the health of the entire organism. And not only that, they also affect the external appearance and mood, the quality of sleep and numerous other life factors. Do you eat healthy? Think about the nutritional values of the foods you put into your body every day, and just in case, read our tips.
What are vitamins and what is their function?
They are necessary for the normal functioning of the body. However, a person is generally unable to synthesize them. Their role is great, so whether you will be healthy and how you will develop depends on the amount of vitamins. If you don’t get enough of them with food or if you overdo it, your body will suffer. Vitamins are one of the six basic nutrients, along with carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and water. We can divide them into several groups in relation to their solubility. The first group are water-soluble vitamins that are soluble in water. These are vitamin B complex and vitamin C.
You have all heard countless times about their function, and the reason is that they are easily absorbed into the blood, circulate through the body and the body can immediately use them. Since most water-soluble vitamins are not stored in the body in large quantities, it is important to regularly consume foods that contain them. Then there are fat-soluble vitamins such as A, D, E, and K. These cannot be directly absorbed into the blood. The body must convert them into the proper form before they can be absorbed. After reaching the blood, they travel to the liver and when the body asks for them, they answer the call. Apart from those most famous vitamins, at the ormus-online website you can definitely find out more about Ormus, a great addition to your nutrition.
What foods contain vitamins?
For example, you can find vitamin A in carrots, eggs, yellow fruits, green vegetables and dairy products. These foods will help you improve your eyesight, get healthy skin and boost your immunity. Vitamin B1 is responsible for nerves and energy, and is found in integral bread, wheat grain, yeast or potatoes. Vitamin B2 is contained in kale, spinach, and pork liver. Niacin or vitamin B3 is also found in these foods, as well as vitamins B5, B6, B7, B9.
If you like to eat seafood, you must be getting enough vitamin B12, which is great for the blood. You will find the most important antioxidant – vitamin C – in pomegranates, lemons, strawberries or oranges. Vitamin E is contained in sunflower oil, almonds and avocado, and vitamin K in cauliflower, chicken breast. We must not forget about essential fatty acids, omega – 3 and omega – 6, which are contained in fish, flax seeds, soybean oil and nuts.
What are minerals and how do they contribute to overall health?
Did you know that each organ has its own mineral composition? That is why their role is multiple. Thanks to their properties, you can increase the strength of the skeleton as well as the construction of soft tissues. They also maintain the acid-base balance of blood and tissues and protect cells from oxidation and free radicals. With sufficient intake of minerals, you stimulate muscle work, nerve processes, blood coagulation and much more. Magnesium has the largest share in enzymatic reactions. If you do not take in enough of this mineral, problems with the heart and muscle spasms are possible.
On the other hand, excessive intake causes stomach problems accompanied by diarrhea and slow pulse. Calcium is most important for the health of bones and teeth. If you have a problem with fatigue or a slow heartbeat, check your blood potassium level. An important antioxidant is zinc, which stimulates the action of hormones, prevents colds and infections. It is equally important to take in other minerals such as iron, iodine, copper, manganese and selenium.
Are you getting enough vitamins and minerals?
So, your body needs multiple types of minerals and vitamins to function properly. Although you can get most of these through your diet, certain minerals need to be consumed as a dietary supplement. They represent the easiest way to provide our body with what it needs for proper functioning. Due to the poor global quality of food and the modern pace of life, we often lack certain nutrients. In addition, the production of digestive enzymes, which break down and absorb nutrients from food, naturally begins to decline as we age.
In order to take the best of them, without negative consequences for our health, it is important to choose them carefully. Also, pay attention to the recommended daily dose, because taking too many vitamins and minerals can have unwanted effects. Of course, if you want to be sure which minerals you are lacking, simply do a blood count or pay attention to your symptoms.
What are the symptoms of mineral and vitamin deficiency?
Several factors affect the presence of minerals in the body, and the consequences are as follows. First, the symptom depends on which mineral is in question. However, the most common symptoms that indicate their deficiency are constipation and abdominal pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, fatigue and weakness of the body, as well as problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland. A few indicators of vitamin deficiency are chapped corners of the lips, facial rashes and hair loss, as well as acne on the body. If you feel burning, itching or numbness in your hands and feet for no reason, it is probably a vitamin deficiency.
Our body is constantly sending us warnings when something is wrong. It is important to follow all these warnings, in order to be able to eliminate possible dangers and disruption of the body’s internal balance in time. So that you provide him with the necessary daily amount of vitamins and minerals. The solution is a healthy diet, regular sleep, and intake of appropriate supplements.